Be realistic about what you can afford. Make sure to factor in all of your expenses, such as taxes, any outstanding student loan debt, maintenance, and utilities, when deciding what kind of home to purchase.
Get pre-approved for a mortgage. Call a local lender. (We can refer you to 4 we recommend!) They will pick up the phone beyond 9-5. This will allow you to know exactly what you can afford and help you create a budget to stick to.
Research the neighborhood. Make sure to look at the local schools, crime rates, and property values to ensure that you are choosing the right area for you and your family.
Look at multiple properties. Don't settle for the first home you see. Take your time and look at multiple homes to find the one that best meets your needs.
Hire a Realtor. A local licensed Florida Realtor can help you navigate the process and guide you to create a strong offer to increase your chance of getting your offer accepted and getting you into your dream home!